What Our Patients Say

Board member Jackie Stetina reflects back on her sister-in-law’s experience as a patient of LAFC.

LAFC- A Safety Net for the Community

Michael pictured with his grandson

Did you ever had a time when you just needed a little help but you weren’t sure where to turn?  Clinic Connection spoke to Michael Muns about his experience at LAFC.

Michael said, “I had never asked for help from anyone.  I couldn’t get the help I needed.  Someone recommended the Lake Area Free Clinic.  I got in immediately.  The Clinic was like a beacon in the night.”

In January, 2021, Michael found himself temporarily without insurance again.  During that time, he ran out of his inhalers.  He ended up going into a local Emergency Department for help.  The discharge nurse at the hospital helped connect Michael back to LAFC to take care of his costly prescriptions, so he could be compliant taking his medication.  It was a Friday late in the day.  Knowing he couldn’t wait until Monday, Mary Reich, LAFC Executive Director, gathered his medications together to meet him at the hospital.  Michael said, “As I was ready to walk out, Mary was walking in.  You definitely came through for me.”

Lake Area Free Clinic is a safety net for the community.  Michael gained access to insurance in February. In the time when he needed help, LAFC was there for him.

Click to Hear Kyle's Story on YouTube
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